Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Beta Himesh

Ladies of gentlemen and gentlemen on ladies. The latest sensation in the world of tragedy, tyranny, suffocation and humiliation -- BETA HIMESH (BH).

The picture is worth more than a million words but i will try my level best to give a brief intro to the most happening guy in the circuit The BH.

The guy is a pro man ! he has been there on the circuit of sensational humiliation for along time but shot to fame lately after an enlightening hiking to Lonavala.

Ladies please control your feelings the guy is available only to handsome men . The huge Gay following that he attracts can be understood only by seeing his style. The short black beard , the classes, the cap and the ability to almost eat the mic , this guys is hotter than Himesh himself.

A person with immense hair all over his body and a look that baffles the best of the best in the world of paleontology, BH has demonstrated that with courage, enthusiasm, and passion any thing can sing.

He is the one guys , look out for him on papers he is sure to make it big.

Salutations to Beta Himesh.